How to find spammer in Cpanel :
There are two kind of spamming,
1) Incoming spam towards your server.
2) Outgoing spam originating from your server.
Out going spam originating from your server is also know as term "server abusing". It mean some one is generating spam from your server, Who is this some one ..... ?
Email address of any domain hosting on your server could be compromised or any PHP script is injected in your web space causing spam generation from your hosting account.
To rectify or find the spammer do the following steps.
Check mail server queue length by this Linux command.
# exim -bpc
# exim -bp | less
Get the email transaction ID from above commands and enter in following command to get the originator address. The below command will show the whole header information along with spam generating ID.
# exim -Mvh 1XnEap-0000mN-O7
To Delete all the emails from queue enter the following command.
# exiqgrep -i | xargs exim -Mrm
I would strongly recommend to change all email address passwords and keep them complex.
I would strongly recommend to change all email address passwords and keep them complex.